Civil Society Organizations should:
Advocate for evidence-based, cost-effective, high-impact policy solutions at the local, national and international levels to prevent and reduce the harmful use of alcohol;
Build partnerships and coalitions across NCDs and alcohol control advocates at the national, regional and global level;
Educate the public and policymakers about the health, social and economic impacts of harmful alcohol use and the need for sound regulation and policymaking;
Hold governments accountable for global and national commitments to reducing alcohol-related harm;
Monitor and expose unethical business practices of the alcohol industry and its subversion of effective policy and implementation; and
Oppose corporate social responsibility activities that help the industry to minimize and deflect criticism and keep government regulation at bay.
Governments should:
Comprehensively implement WHO Best Buys interventions;
Make alcohol policy a priority, in light of the global and national burden;
Ensure the consideration of alcohol in all health policy approaches;
Consider the need for alcohol policy in relevant policy areas such as mental health, road safety, violence prevention and child well-being;
Coordinate the work of health ministries with other relevant ministries, as well as with civil society, to encourage effective alcohol policy measures without the influence of the alcohol industry;
Educate citizens about the dangers of the harmful use of alcohol;
Take the lead in implementing policies that reduce the harmful use of alcohol, rather than ceding responsibility to voluntary industry programs; and
Improve surveillance and monitoring systems on alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm.
The World Health Organization and United Nations Agencies should:
Provide leadership on alcohol control and be the norm-setting agencies for policy making;
Provide countries with clear technical guidance on the most effective interventions for reducing the harmful use of alcohol;
Provide technical assistance to support national governments to strengthen their policies and regulatory approaches on the harmful use of alcohol;
Provide regular and timely status reports on alcohol harm and alcohol policy developments;
Share a global database of case studies, laws and regulations that countries have adopted in order to discourage overconsumption and the harmful use of alcohol; and
Oppose the development of partnerships with the alcohol industry in multilateral health and development efforts and guard against industry interference.